Achieve a Lush Green Lawn with Supagrass
Supagrass Lawn Treatment Services

Treatment 1
During the spring we encourage sward density, colour and root development using our specially formulated granular fertiliser.
The lawn is also sprayed with a general weed killer.

Treatment 2
Early Summer
To develop lush growth during early summer we use our controlled release, coated, granular fertiliser with high nitrogen content. Special attention is given to clover and selective weed killers are used to target specific and difficult weeds.

Treatment 3
Late Summer
This is achieved with our slow release granular feed. Difficult and persistent weeds such as Speedwells, Trefoils, Woodrush, Yarrow and Selfheal are targeted.

Treatment 4
Our treatments focus on moss control and strengthening the grass, which is a priority at this time of year. Our iron based treatment, contains high analysis, major trace elements which help maintain a healthy colour

Treatment 5
Hollow Tine Aeration
A machine application that extracts thousands of cores from your lawn, these holes will gradually close of their own accord, as the soil surrounding them crumbles and fills the void thus: • Relieving compaction • Reducing sub surface thatch • Encouraging deeper root growth • Improving the flow of air, moisture and nutrient to the roots • Promoting strong growth • Improving drainage

Treatment 6
A mechanical operation that removes much of the surface thatch and moss that has built up in your lawn over a period of time. This process is carried out during the autumn and winter months (providing ground conditions allow us to) as we do not want to hinder growth by ripping out too many new shoots during the growing season. This application is quite aggressive and may make your lawn somewhat unsightly, therefore we will carry out the scarification when your garden is predominately unused.
Looking for a lush green lawn?
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You can trust the lawn care experts
Put your trust in a lawn care company who homeowners use season after season, year after year. The team at Supagrass offer a service with a personal touch and good sound advice so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your garden without the stress.
We Are Experts
Over 25 years of experience in the lawn treatment industry
Unrivalled Service
We are local and independent
First Class Products
Our products are superior to those purchased in store
Trusted By Our Customers
Over 65% of our new business comes via recommendation